Friday, September 7, 2012

 First day of school. Sophomore, 8th grade and 4th grade. 
 1st day of school shoes.
 Have to have a fun pose. 
Kayla and Maddie in "Hello Dolly"

Sorry I have not updated for awhile. School got over I started working and play practice started along with 
softball. All three girls played softball this spring and the whole family was involved with our Community Theater. I was the prop mistress, Bryan ran the only spot light, Kayla and Maddie sang and danced and Kenzie helped in the light booth. Basically she wore the headphones and relayed messages to the lighting guru.  We all had a great time. 
Summer was soon over we only had a month after Dolly to get ready for school. School started on August 22nd. They have been running ever sense. Kayla tried out for the high school fall musical Which is Beauty and the Beast. She did not get the part she tried out for but is still in the play as well as Maddie. Maddie tried out for the part of Chip which she decided to do the day before auditions. She also will be in the play. I am doing prop mistress for the High School production of Beauty and the Beast and will be doing props for the Community Theater this summer. I though I should be where my kids are. 
I have less than a month left at my job. It is only a four month gig but it has been fun and I have learned a lot about lavender. I will be glad to run my kids around I feel bad that Bryan has been doing it but they are his children as well. 
Bryan has been feeling better we think they have found the right medication for now. He gets an injection once a week and it has been helping. We will get his Rheumatoid Arthritis in remission some day but for now I will take as many pain free or level ones as we can get. Yea for injections. 

1 comment:

Lark said...

I am glad they have found something to help Brian again. Every day without major pain is a plus!
My girls are beautiful and I miss you all. I am hoping we can come out to visit next month, but we shall see what life brings us.
So glad you all have been in plays together. Sounds like a busy summer with everyone in softball.